Netherlands House Price Index

Synthetic Asset Description

A synthetic asset that tracks the latest value of the Netherlands House Price Index (NLHPI). Display Name: Netherlands House Price Index Symbol: NLHPI EMP Price Identifier: NUMERICAL Market: Published by Statistics Netherlands Frequency: Monthly Price Feed Source: Data Providers:

Manual Price Calculation

To determine the price for NLHPI for the given request timestamp, voters must do the following:

  1. Get request timestamp.

  2. Convert to UTC time.

  3. Determine which month value should be used based on the request timestamp.

    • If the request timestamp is before the 22nd of the month at 02:00:00, use the price data that was released on the 22nd of the previous month i.e. if the request timestamp is the 21st March, use the price data that was released on 22nd February which is the data for January.

    • If the request timestamp is on or after the 22nd of the month at 02:00:00, use the price data that was released on the 22nd of that month i.e. if the request timestamp is the 22nd March, use the price data that was released on 22nd March which is the data for February.

    • Important: If the 22nd day of a given month falls on a weekend day, the price is not updated until the following Monday at 02:00:00. In this case, the same rules apply. If the request timestamp falls before the 23rd/24th day of a given month (the date depends on whether or not the 22nd falls on a Saturday or Sunday), use the price data released on the 22nd of the previous month. If the request timestamp falls on or after 02:00:00 on the 23rd/24th, use the price data released for this month.

  4. Determine the request date.

    • Once you have determined which month’s pricing data to use, you must convert it to the correct request date format. I.E. If my request timestamp fell on the 21st March, then I should use the price data released on 22nd February 2023 which is the price index data for January. I must deduct one month from 22nd February and convert the final date to YYYYmmMM format such 2023MM01.

    • Get request date in format YYYY-mm-MM by abbreviating it to the year and month i.e. if the request timestamp is 21st March, then we should use the price data that was released 22nd February. The price data for 22nd February is for January 2023. Therefore, the request date is 01/23 then the month and year chosen should be in this format: 2023MM01.

  5. Get Price.

    • Get the latest value from the “PriceIndexOfExistingOwnHomes_1” object.

Example response object:

      "PriceIndexOfExistingOwnHomes_1":"   183.3",
      "ChangesComparedToThePreviousPeriod_2":"     1.5",
      "ChangesComparedToThePreviousYear_3":"     1.1",
      "NumberOfSoldDwellings_4":"   13126",
      "ChangesComparedToThePreviousPeriod_5":"   -38.5",
      "ChangesComparedToThePreviousYear_6":"    -6.6",
      "AveragePurchasePrice_7":"  424681",
      "TotalValuePurchasePrices_8":"    5574"

Last updated

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